Finding Your Voice: Explorations into the photographic unknown

This workshop is for those of you who LOVE photography. You need to know your camera and have spent quite a bit of time honing your skills. Perhaps everyone tells you that you are a good photographer but for some reason you feel you can do better. Your photos are well exposed, and are well composed, but they are missing that special something that makes the image extraordinary.

What is it?? Is it the light? Is it the framing? Is it the subject?

To Enroll Click the button below!

Linda believes that after a 30-year career in the arts, it is time to give back to others in the form of inspiration and education. She coaches, mentors and inspire creatives to help them bridge the gap between art and business.

Masterclass at the studio

She is also available for one on one consultations.

Call the studio for rates and times.*

Linda estime qu’après une carrière de 30 ans dans le domaine des arts, il est temps de redonner ses connaissances aux  autres sous la forme d’inspiration et de l’éducation. Ces jours-ci elle poursuit son rôle de mentor; elle est disponible pour conseiller, assister et soutenir les créatifs. Elle les aide à combler le fossé entre l’art et les affaires.

Linda est également disponible pour des consultations individuelles

Appelez le studio pour connaître les tarifs et les horaires *